Emma Kroos is de AIR in de Batterij aan den Sloterweg van oktober 2020 t/m december 2020.

Door de maatregelen die op dat moment gelden mbt COVID-19 is de openbare expositie destijds vervangen door een videoportret van Emma Kroos gemaakt door stichting TRACE.

‘ I graduated July 2017 from the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam as an autonomous artist. Amsterdam is where I was born, raised and where I still live and work (Gerrit Rietveld Academie). My cherished atelier is at Broedplaats Bogota, Halfweg.’

Artist Statement 16-17

“In daily life it is easy to miss the beauty of the surrounding environment. For me, beautiful things could be seeing a sparkle in the water, the sun which is lighting up some pieces of dust or small cracks in clay. These examples are visual details, atmospheres, filtered from daily life. Often my work starts from a detail like that.

Such a visual detail is volatile. It is over before you realize that it happened. For me, those small moments leave a huge impression. It makes me long to be in that moment for a longer period of time and emerge in it. My longing for that visual detail causes motivation and necessity to produce a work.

Due to my longing to be in a volatile moment the work often is a large scale sculpture or installation.

Then, it is time to experience the produced work.”

Voor meer info over Emma Kroos verwijzen we u door naar haar website.